Thursday, September 17, 2009

Animatic Storyboard PART TWO! ftw.

Hello again, dear readers!
Thank you all, everybody who gave feedback on the new work! I've been putting this blog together in a vacuum for the longest time; it's great to finally get input from real-live humans and not just the imaginary ones.
Response was so positive, in fact, that I decided to finish up production on the second instillation of the story: what we will call Animatic Storyboard: Part Two! This one was a lot more work because I only had bits and pieces of the artwork finished beforehand, so I had to fill in huge gaps with new art.

Part Two; Second Act; Segment #2/3: this new instillation is many things but nothing if not a continuation. If you're reading this for the first time, I insist that you wait to watch this piece until you've seen Part One first.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Another Storyboard; this time better.

Well! I liked yesterday's update so much I decided to have another one! Here is another animatic storyboard for you to watch. I'm not embedding this one here, though. You'll have to click this thumbnail to be taken to a separate page to watch it there.

This storyboard was made a long while after the one in yesterday's post. Today's characters were derived out of those from yesterday, though I ended up making so many alterations that the only ostensible similarities remaining are that one is a girl, and the other is diminutive. I doubt I'll ever have the time or resources to take this short to final, but if I were to try, the characters would look a little something like this.

Neu and Kid Shift, respectively

Thursday, September 10, 2009

OKAY: you win. here's a giant robot.

If it isn't loading, just give it a sec. It's a big file, it takes time. It plays on a loop so if you want to start it over from the beginning just... um... refresh the page or something.