Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rainbow Of Bleh

Well, it took a week to work up courage for it, but I've just finished coloring the first piece.

Happy with it? Not the word I'd use. Turned out better than it might have, that much reassures me. Some things work, other things don't It's good news, though, because now I know what to try and what to avoid for when I do this sort of thing again. I feel much better, more comfortable, about this method of working. I'm quite looking forward to the next one.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Who Drew Two New for You? [a Clue: t'was me!]

First, I've worked that Clinton sketch from the previous post.


Also look at this other weirdo. It's about time things got uncomfortable, did anyone else feel that way? Just me? Here's something I noticed when I was a kid--if you ask people to describe what they think the Boogeyman looks like, every single person will tell you something wildly different. Some people see him with horns, someone I knew thought he was a businessman who wanted to bury her in the yard. We all know Tim Burton's sack full of bugs.
Anyway, when I was a kid, I always thought the Boogeyman would look something like this:


I hope the things I draw aren't in some Freudian way cryptic expressions of what I have inside me, because I'm pretty sure this one would mean something bad.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


This man is named Clinton, he lives across the street from me. I think the landlord must pay him for something. He's a class act, that Clinton. I'll miss him after I move.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

So It Begins

This thought came to me, feeling at my worst, like a breath of fresh air: Why not just draw?
To my way of thinking it's been two years since I last finished a drawing. At work I deal in vector points --tiny little headaches made of math. Then, in private time, I scheme these projects so grandiose, so sprawling in their scope, they'll bear nothing worth showing for five years at least. The formula would read thusly:
Workaholic Lifestyle X Two years = No Returns to Show For It
Artistically this led to a malaise. Eventually, having sacrificed everything else to gain momentum, I had nothing left to do but wallow when that momentum ran out.
Then the thought occurred: Why not just draw?

So I drew this.

This started out a gesture of a boy in space, gazing leftward, no idea who or where or why. After him I saw a hole in the composition, so I filled it with a girl. Continuing in this manor, soon enough, I filled the whole thing in and felt contentment, a long time coming.

I wouldn't call this image great, but there's potential here. I'm pleased with how the background came out. I'm still not confident about coloring it. See some later entry for that noise.


My name is Joe Wierenga. I'm developing a drawing style. Let me tell you some things.

I started this Project on my 24th birthday, April 12, 2009.
On that date I'd been an art school graduate just a little shy of two years --from the Maryland Institute College of Art, with my B.F.A. in Illustration, back in 2007.
Now, on my 24th Birthday, I live in New York City
I work in videogames

See my artwork from the time before this blog at: