Monday, December 10, 2012

Go To My Tumblr

Hello, Blogger followers.

I've been fazing out my blogger page little-by-little for a while now, but it's about time I announced it here to make it official. I don't plan to update this blogger account anymore. This site has done me well for years, I know, and I'll leave this archive here for anyone curious about what I was up to between 2009 and 2012. But this page has been becoming increasingly redundant. Every piece of art I post here is also being posted on Tumblr, and DeviantART, and Behance, and Facebook, and maybe even being sold on Etsy. If anything, I'm over-extending myself as far as web presence is concerned. And everything blogger does, one of those sites I mentioned above does it better.
So those are all the reasons why I'm pulling blogger out of the rotation. If anyone is interested, I hope to see you all again in any of these other outlets. If you aren't using any single one of those other sites, frankly I'm shocked. Even babies and cats have Facebook these days.

So thank you for all you've done for me, blogger. And farewell. Don't feel too bad, this is just the way of things on the internet. Remember Friendster? Or Myspace? It's probably only a matter of time before I leave Tumblr for Instagram, and Instagram for whatever they think up next.

Joe Wierenga,
Brooklyn, NY

Monday, November 5, 2012

Which Witch is This?

A Halloween-y image for you, just a few days late for Halloween. But Halloween was cancelled here in Brooklyn, so who's keeping track anymore? This is the first in a new character series I'm starting to keep myself active. This is just a personal challenge: my goal is to make one original drawing of a classic trope each week. This week is a witch, next week I might draw a cowboy, the next week maybe a vampire, the week after that a space man, on and on until I run out of ideas. This seemed like a very attainable goal when I thought it up a few weeks ago, but then I had a freelance project kick into overdrive, and now suddenly I don't seem to have any time to work on it. So the character series will update whenever I can manage, but I'm still hoping for weekly. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! Something a little bit different today. This is the jack o'lantern I carved this year. My cat, Elvis, was kind enough to pose for it. Pearl took this picture of it on our windowsill, and she also took the original picture it's based on. Isn't she a talented photographer?

Friday, October 26, 2012

New Sketches

I’m really excited, I think I’m closing in on the right visual style for one of my personal projects. This character is a girl detective who solves mysteries in a world of  werewolves and dragons, and this is the closest I’ve ever been to being happy with her design. Getting the main character to strike the right visual chord is one of the most important things with a project like this. I’ve been rolling this ball forward on and off for the last few months, and I feel like now I’m so close I can taste it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Antlers

The second in my series on color and digital painting techniques. I could have sat with this one forever, maybe, adding here, subtracting there. As a perfectionist with OCD tendencies, that would have been well within my capacity. But I'm not sure it would have made a difference, really. Sometimes it's better to get it out there and take what you've learned on to the next task.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rainy Day

I'm starting a series to develop the style of color in my illustration work. I always feel the most at home with my pieces during the first stages where I'm making the line drawing. Working out the composition and the anatomy, capturing the action and the emotion... all of that is what I enjoy the most. And then comes time to finish the piece, and I sometimes feel a little lost.

It's my own fault. I spent the first 20-or-so years of my life doing nothing but pencil drawings. Linework is all I practiced in until just a few years ago. So, sometimes the best medicine is to do something outside of your comfort zone. I present to you: elements of digital painting. Hardly ever seen before in my personal work.

In this one I worked up the skin, boots and umbrella, but I somehow like it better with the coat and leggings left the same color as the background, with just some simple touches to indicate volume. What do you guys think?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Memento Mori, buddy.

I recently made a cover illustration for the Story Collider online magazine. The subject was death. Did you know that when you do a Google image search for "deadly nightshade," most of the flowers that come up are actually woody nightshade? Because I sure didn't! Fortunately, that's one lesson I walked away with after art school. Always double-check your photo reference, because someone out there is going to know the difference.

Castle on the Mountain

A concept drawing of a fantasy world. My friends and I went camping in Maine this summer at the foot of Mt. Katahdin, and this is loosely based on the view we had from our campsite. Also inspired by the work of Hiroshi Yoshida. That guy is awesome.

That castle at the top of the mountain must be huge. Almost the size of an entire city. It was built by an immortal hermit because he had nothing better to do for a couple thousand years. Then people from the foot of the mountain started moving up the mountain to be closer to this amazing castle that seemed to be springing up on its own, but their presence there drove the immortal man away. He only wanted to toil in solitude. No one lives there anymore, because it is so difficult to get water up there.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Constellation: Lepus

Hey everyone!

It's been a little while, but I promise this post will make up for all that lost time! I was working on this 12-page comic in what free time I had last month. Here's three pages of action out of the middle. I titled it "Constellation: Lepus"

You can read the full 12 pages on my new DeviantART

Friday, July 20, 2012

Lily: Character Sheet

I've been cranking out character sheets for some of my favorite original characters from several different stories I keep on my back burner. This is Lily, from a story that still has a long way to go, but I think she's a really fun character. I want to have her in my portfolio

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Grinnat The Jerk

This is the villain from a comic project I'm working on. He's not particularly tough but he's a real jerk.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Science For Princesses

Oh I almost forgot!
I made this paper doll a few weeks ago as an illustration to accompany an article about gender stereotypes in the scientific community. The paper doll actually works, too. The article includes a high resolution file you can print out to cut out the shapes, and dress your own scientist! The illustration appeared in June, but I've had other things on my mind and forgot to tell you about it. Whoops!
You can read the article on the Story Collider Magazine's website. The article is called "Science For Princesses."

Monday, July 9, 2012

Concept Art: Skycastle Moebius

A bit of concept art for you. Things in space always have such a utilitarian appearance. All geometric shapes and exposed piping. Bo-o-o-o-oring. Buildings on Earth have been made with fancy details all over their facades for centuries. Why doesn't anyone ever put relief sculpture on a fuselage?

I was looking through the works of Jean Giraud, known by the pen name  "Moebius" in the sci fi world, and I was inspired to design this city in space. The residential central dome houses roughly the population of New York City, though majority of the business is done in the head. Life support is all housed in the nude at the ventral end of the station, but of course since the designers valued form over function, there are numerous bottlenecks and design flaws. It really isn't very efficient, but boy is life there lavish.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Digital Painting: Forest Hut

I haven't done a lot of digital painting in my career, I want to try it out. This is just a hut, it's not specifically for anything. It was fun. Critiques are welcome, email me at

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Character sketches: Teen mysteries

Progress on the character design. I like her being nerdy but I can't decide if she needs to be more "leading lady"

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Emissary of the King

It's been a while since I've posted anything so I thought I'd show you all a page of concept sketches I've been doing for one of my projects. This is the main character of a cartoon pitch I'm putting together. She's sort of a nerdy girl who fights dragons with science, you know, that type of character. 
I'm trying to settle on an outfit for her. I don't want this project to involve costume changes, I want it to be more icon-based. Just one outfit, and maybe one coat she puts over it when she's in cold weather. But I haven't even settled on a name for her yet. That's kind of an important thing to have in the pitch bible. Hrmm. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Hey Pen Ward, call me

I'm really enjoying doing these animated doodles. I have to admit, this one kind of got away from me. At first it was just Finn from Adventure Time pulling out a sword, and then, well, it just kept on going.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


The power of flight make things too easy for super heroes. These days they're giving everyone the ability to fly. Remember when Wonder Woman had to park her invisible jet? Now there's excitement for you.
I always thought Thor's method of transportation was cool. He throws his hammer so hard that it lifts him off the ground. Of course the physics of that don't actually make any sense, but I wanted to try it anyway. This is a rough line animation, I just wanted to capture the weight and the momentum.
You're going to have to imagine a thunderclap at the same moment as that shockwave, because Mjolnir clearly must be breaking the sound barrier to lift up a guy as heavy as Thor.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Next Stop Laputa

A new piece taken from the world of master director Hayao Miyazaki. This is Dola and her pirate gang from one of my favorite movies, Castle In The Sky.
As far as I'm concerned, Dola is one of the greatest characters of all time. Miyazaki always does a great job of adding dimension to his characters--bad guys are never purely bad--and the Dola Gang is one of the best examples. Here you have a band of robbers and thieves, ruffians and lawbreakers to their core, yet at the same time the entire crew is a bunch of mama's boys. And Dola herself is such a great twist on a tired anime trope. Miyazaki has always eschewed the whole "women as buxom sex object" thing, with Dola it's almost like he's saying "you want a sexy sky pirate? Fine, but I'll set the story when she's 70 years old!" By keeping sexiness from slowing things down, it pulls focus to more distinctly feminine kinds of strength in Dola, like motherhood. But this is starting to turn into a dissertation. I'll ramble about that some other time.
Best regards,

Monday, April 30, 2012

Sorceress costume changes: a sketch

Jumping around between projects a bit, here are some sketches of a villainous sorceress from a comic project I've been kicking around for a couple of years. The problem with this project is its scope: the more I work on it, the more it turns into a multi-volume epic with hundreds and hundreds of pages. That's too many pages! Still, even though I wont be officially undertaking this project any time soon, I don't feel like working on it anyway is wasted effort in the least. Character design is character design, and I can always apply what I learn from working on Tsamira here to other characters on more realistic scales. 
Here are some of the many costume changes this character makes throughout the storyline, some more Frazetta-esque than others. 
I posted a drawing of this character once before, though back then the drawing was more intended to get me used to working completely in photoshop. This time it's more about pure character and fashion design. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

"Science In The Blood" illustration

I finished a new illustration for the Story Collider. The theme that jumped out at me was "life as a clockwork mechanism," although they wanted me to avoid using the human figure so it wouldn't become morbid. Probably the right decision.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Superhero Pencil Sketches

I'm working on a story about two young superheroes: one with corporate sponsorship, and merchandising deals, and a ton of media following; and the other with student loans, and a crappy part-time job, struggling to pay her rent while at the same time trying to live her passion for crime fighting, because saving people doesn't pay in money. 
Can you guess which is which? 
The idea is that Kid Magnificent (top) made her own costume, bearing in mind things like how she has to do her own laundry. On the other hand, MadBrat (bottom) is sponsored by a fictionalized version of Nike or Puma or some activewear company like that, and has an entire ad agency that designs and provides her accessories. The character design is still a work in progress. I want to get away from capes and spandex and make these costumes something a girl could actually jump around and be athletic in, but right now I feel like they're a little too utilitarian, not quite glam enough for American comics. Plus the color themes are still not right. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Korra will get you out of your chair

Did you guys see the Korra premier last Saturday? It was amazing! Something about that show brings out the kid in me, I can’t help but find myself jumping around like an airbender when I think no one is looking. So I made this piece to celebrate that. 
Honestly coming up with unique bending poses for each of the four nations isn't as easy as it seems when you're just pretending to be a kung fu master. 

Here's a larger detail of the Korra section with the Hokusai pattern behind her. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Innocence: A Story by David Dickerson

I posted recently about a six-page comic I'd made for a story podcast and live stage show called Story Collider. At that time I couldn't post the whole comic, though, because it was part of a benefit package for a fundraiser they were running. But good news! They've decided to make the comic available to read for free on their site!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Doctor Whom?

I broke from form a little bit with this one: I decided to do a pop culture reference that isn't outdated. I just finished watching season 6 of Dr. Who (all in one sitting) and I was struck by the potential for this brawl

I have to assume this battle would never end, because naturally the weeping angel keeps forgetting what it’s doing each time it turns to stone, and the Silence’s electrical attack is ineffective against quantum-locked statues.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Do the Job, Get Paid,

The third in my series on outdated pop-culture references, although in my heart Firefly will never be outdated. I've probably watched each of the 14 episodes at least a dozen times each by this point in my life. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

All Mysteries Will Be Solved

The second in my series on outdated pop-culture references. I didn't get into the Veronica Mars series until years after it was off the air, but it was totally worth watching. Intelligent writing, a strong female lead, great dynamic characters that draw you in... what else could you possible ask for in a series?

I like the final shaded version, but there's something about this earlier version (still in flats) that strikes me as compelling too

Monday, March 5, 2012

Dashing Adventures in Space

This is the first in my series on outdated pop-culture references. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Something and taxes...

Hello Internet

Or more specifically, hello blogger. I'm sorry I've been neglecting you. I started a tumblr in January and, while it's been updating every day, I admit I let it turn my head. It was only momentary, though, because now I'm back for you! 

I've decided to split my web attentions in two directions: the Tumblr will continue to update every day with new observational life drawings, but new illustrations will be posted here with production notes. 

I meant to get an early start on my taxes this year but instead I drew this.