Monday, November 2, 2009

Test Cells!

I know you all saw me post the animatic for "Sprinkles For Bravery," last time, but SfB is going to work out to be seven-plus minutes long. Too ambitious for a first-ever attempt at the medium.
What I have here is a keyframe from a different animation which I was developing in secret. This one is called "That Lion Is A Hater" but that's a working title.

I really haven't been sure how I would render these sketchy images for the final animation: these are experiments to help me settle on a style. I don't exactly like the fully-colorful one above but I put it here for posterity. I'm a lot happier with this second attempt.

The short starts out with her talking to the audience as if she's recording herself by webcam. But then . . . something cra-a-a-a-azy happens

The villain is a lion, just like real life.

The hero: