Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another Visit with our Friend the Lion

Here's a little story. Back in 2009 I was working on this animated short, a fun little personal project in my own spare time. I got pretty far on it, too. So far that I was actually starting to record voices for it. I used my own voice for all the characters, not because I don't eventually want to use real voice actors but simply because there weren't any in the room with me at the time.
Now here's where the story takes a turn. You know how a lot of actors say they can't stand watching themselves on screen? Well, watching this cartoon where all three characters had my voice was so painful to sit through for me, I became convinced this short was the worst thing I've ever done, decided none of the jokes were funny, and vowed never to show it to another living human soul.

Jump to two years later, about a month ago in fact, I was digging through the old files on my computer, and I came across the old movie file and decided to watch it again. And you know what? After such a long time I'm far enough removed from the experience of recording it that I actually kind of regret that I stopped it. This project seems pretty funny to me now. I think I'm going to finish it after all.

Here's what it's going to look like.

You can see the original test cells in this old post here.

If only I hadn't stopped working on it two years ago, this 7-minute animation it might be almost part of the way done by now! (Animation takes forever!)
