Monday, April 30, 2012

Sorceress costume changes: a sketch

Jumping around between projects a bit, here are some sketches of a villainous sorceress from a comic project I've been kicking around for a couple of years. The problem with this project is its scope: the more I work on it, the more it turns into a multi-volume epic with hundreds and hundreds of pages. That's too many pages! Still, even though I wont be officially undertaking this project any time soon, I don't feel like working on it anyway is wasted effort in the least. Character design is character design, and I can always apply what I learn from working on Tsamira here to other characters on more realistic scales. 
Here are some of the many costume changes this character makes throughout the storyline, some more Frazetta-esque than others. 
I posted a drawing of this character once before, though back then the drawing was more intended to get me used to working completely in photoshop. This time it's more about pure character and fashion design. 

1 comment:

  1. A lot of people love to dress well, but never manage to succeed when it comes to understanding the complicated and ever changing trends of fashion. A much bigger problem arises when the best of designers fail to keep you well updated and start selling off old

    Fashion Design Drawing
