Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mile High

Somehow you can always tell whether a sexy lady drawing was made by a male or a female artist. I don't mean that male artists sexualize the female form any more overtly than women do -- if anything, some of the raunchiest, most big-boobs-havin' art I've seen all came from ladies. Women are just better at it. Not that there aren't amazing pinup artists who are men, and terrible ones who are women too. There's just this strange dimension girls can inject into that subject matter; like a respect or maybe a secret like fraternal (hah!) understanding. Some mysterious energy that, for the life of me, I've never seen a man be able to capture. Could be women just know the physics of curving in those same places better, from experience and all. For a man, drawing the female form is always like guessing at something exterior. I don't know, it's mysterious.

Anyway, here's a drawing of a sexy lady in the sky. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. That's interesting, so many times I tried to guess the male/female artist and so many times I was right.
    I think men mostly capture the beauty of women's body and women see it as it is. They are capable of making it as natural as possible, but it doesn't mean that they do it, they just can=)
