Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rainy Day

I'm starting a series to develop the style of color in my illustration work. I always feel the most at home with my pieces during the first stages where I'm making the line drawing. Working out the composition and the anatomy, capturing the action and the emotion... all of that is what I enjoy the most. And then comes time to finish the piece, and I sometimes feel a little lost.

It's my own fault. I spent the first 20-or-so years of my life doing nothing but pencil drawings. Linework is all I practiced in until just a few years ago. So, sometimes the best medicine is to do something outside of your comfort zone. I present to you: elements of digital painting. Hardly ever seen before in my personal work.

In this one I worked up the skin, boots and umbrella, but I somehow like it better with the coat and leggings left the same color as the background, with just some simple touches to indicate volume. What do you guys think?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Memento Mori, buddy.

I recently made a cover illustration for the Story Collider online magazine. The subject was death. Did you know that when you do a Google image search for "deadly nightshade," most of the flowers that come up are actually woody nightshade? Because I sure didn't! Fortunately, that's one lesson I walked away with after art school. Always double-check your photo reference, because someone out there is going to know the difference.

Castle on the Mountain

A concept drawing of a fantasy world. My friends and I went camping in Maine this summer at the foot of Mt. Katahdin, and this is loosely based on the view we had from our campsite. Also inspired by the work of Hiroshi Yoshida. That guy is awesome.

That castle at the top of the mountain must be huge. Almost the size of an entire city. It was built by an immortal hermit because he had nothing better to do for a couple thousand years. Then people from the foot of the mountain started moving up the mountain to be closer to this amazing castle that seemed to be springing up on its own, but their presence there drove the immortal man away. He only wanted to toil in solitude. No one lives there anymore, because it is so difficult to get water up there.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Constellation: Lepus

Hey everyone!

It's been a little while, but I promise this post will make up for all that lost time! I was working on this 12-page comic in what free time I had last month. Here's three pages of action out of the middle. I titled it "Constellation: Lepus"

You can read the full 12 pages on my new DeviantART